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Like many present-day HR functions, immigration and mobility programs are best set up for success when driven by data.
In the modern corporate mobility landscape, HR teams are tasked with tracking a high volume of immigration statuses and cases for foreign national employees and estimating costs for future immigration spending. With a range of information that needs to be tracked within an immigration program – sometimes by multiple stakeholders in various interfaces – it's crucial for HR teams to maintain accurate and real-time data.
Today's technology allows for a high degree of integration between HRIS systems and an immigration service provider's case management system. Two-way data feeds may be customized, such as Envoy's ability to integrate seamlessly with HRIS systems like Workday, HRIS NAME and more.
A common bottleneck for immigration and mobility programs is filtering through an excess of data points for their reporting. To build a data-first immigration program, HR and mobility teams can utilize immigration technology and determine the criteria that best meets their organization's needs.
An “immigration data dashboard” is a blanket term to describe the various data points that organizations may need to track in order oversee immigration cases, manage budgets and more. Internally, many organizations and immigration law firms may refer to these data dashboards as “case status reports” or “employee expiration reports.” These are all tools designed to keep teams organized and foster the retention of foreign national employees.
There are three key questions for HR and mobility teams to ask when determining the criteria for their immigration data dashboards:
Key stakeholders will contribute to immigration data dashboards, and they may be inside or outside of the organization.
Foreign national employees are commonly the subject of data points. HR, mobility teams and immigration legal counsel contribute to tracking the data points about these foreign national employees in the dashboards.

Foreign national employees provide biographical information, immigration history, educational information and more, typically through an immigration case questionnaire or case management platform. Then, HR and mobility teams can use these platforms to aggregate foreign national employee data into robust immigration data dashboards.
Immigration legal counsel manages the progress of cases by marking key milestones in the preparation of an immigration petition or application and government processing updates. Aggregating these updates into a dashboard enables HR and mobility teams to understand what actions need to be taken for ongoing immigration cases.
The inputs for immigration data dashboards can vary depending on the size and scope of an organization. There are typically five core buckets that data can be divided into:
While these five buckets contain common inputs required for most immigration reporting, organizations may need to track additional datapoints if they sponsor employees for a wide range of U.S. employment-based visas or manage a global workforce of employees that require sponsorship in other countries.
This is the final, and perhaps most important, of the three questions because the audiences will determine how immigration and mobility data should be filtered into a distributable report. In addition to acting as stakeholders in the process, HR and mobility teams are also often the main audience for immigration data dashboards as they make decisions for the organization based off the data.
For many organizations, HR and mobility teams delegate the task of compiling immigration data dashboards to the immigration legal counsel or global mobility services provider. In these instances, HR and mobility teams should oversee the delivery of the dashboards to ensure it is suited to the needs and timeframes of their organization.
Moreover, immigration data dashboards on case cost and future immigration spend may need to be distributed to other teams within an organization, including:
The Envoy Global platform offers HR and mobility team users the ability to view and manage snapshots of their organization's immigration data dashboards, as well as the option to request customizable reports for their unique needs.
With an understanding of the stakeholders, inputs and audiences involved in immigration data dashboards, HR and mobility teams can next begin to develop the criteria for their organization's needs. There are four common types of dashboards that offer regular use for most immigration and global mobility programs:
Depending on the needs of their program, organizations may require these dashboards at various time intervals. While case status reports may be useful on a weekly or biweekly basis, cost reports may only be needed on a quarterly basis. With immigration technology platforms, HR and mobility teams are enabled to manage their organization's data dashboards and create comprehensive reports in seconds.
For more content on strategies for managing an immigration and mobility program, check out Envoy's HR Strategies page.
Originally published 10 October 2022
The content of this article is intended to provide a general guide to the subject matter. Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances.
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