El 22 de diciembre de 2015, la Asamblea General decidió establecer un Día Internacional anual para reconocer el rol crítico que juegan las mujeres y las niñas en la ciencia y la tecnología, a través de la Resolución A/RES/70/212.
The International Day of Women and Girls in Science, celebrated on 11 February, is implemented by UNESCO and UN-Women, in collaboration institutions and civil society partners that aim to promote women and girls in science. This Day is an opportunity to promote full and equal access to and participation in science for women and girls.
La igualdad entre hombres y mujeres es una prioridad global de la UNESCO, y el apoyo a las jóvenes, su educación y su plena capacidad para hacer oír sus ideas son los motores del desarrollo y la paz.
Hacer frente a algunos de los mayores desafíos de la Agenda para el Desarrollo Sostenible -desde la mejora de la salud hasta el cambio climático- dependerá del aprovechamiento de todos los talentos. Eso significa conseguir introducir a más mujeres en estos campos. La diversidad en la investigación amplía el número de investigadores talentosos, aportando una nueva perspectiva, talento y creatividad. Este Día es un recordatorio de que las mujeres y las niñas desempeñan un papel fundamental en las comunidades de ciencia y tecnología y que su participación debe fortalecerse.
shows women career scientists still face gender bias
Art by Women in Science
This programme seeks to recognise women researchers contributions in today’s global challenges.
Too many girls and women are held back by biases and social norms influencing the quality of their education.
To strengthen UNESCO’s work in support of gender equality in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI).
Gender inequalities in the water domain are deep and persist at all levels.
Despite a shortage of skills in technological fields that are driving the Fourth Industrial Revolution, women still only account for 28% of engineering graduates and 40% of graduates in computer science and informatics, according to the forthcoming UNESCO Science Report whose chapter on gender in science, entitled To be Smart the Digital Revolution will Need to be Inclusive, shows women career scientists still face gender bias.
To be smart, the digital revolution will need to be inclusive, is part of the UNESCO Science Report: the Race against Time for Smarter Development. The full report tracks trends and developments in science governance worldwide every five years. The latest edition has a dual focus on the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and on the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Participe en la conversación con #MujeresEnCiencia
Gender equality in STI is crucial and urgent to enable us to attain sustainable development.
Gender equality in STI protects and promotes the quality and social relevance of science.
We still have a long way to go to tackle the challenges that remain for women and girls in regard to science, innovation, technology and engineering.
and only 35% of all students in STEM related fields of study are women
with data available on the national share of women researchers had reached parity in 2016
of girls and boys in science and mathematics, strong gendered stereotypes prevail. Therefore, many girls are still less encouraged in science, technology, engineering and maths and have limited choices (if any) for their education and career development.
in terms of researchers are still facing important challenges in achieving it in all aspects, since vertical and horizontal segregation persist as barriers.
despite an improvement in recent years and only 22 women have been awarded a Nobel prize in a scientific discipline to date.
to shed a light on the intersecting inequalities through the collection & analysis of data that are systematically disaggregated by sex, age, income, location, disability, race & ethnicity & other relevant factor.
UNESCO is playing a key role in in promoting women and girls in and for science. UNESCO also assists Member States to identify STI  gender gaps, devise policies and actions to reduce these gaps, and measure their progress towards gender equality.
Today more than ever, we need to keep working for a more equitable world. A world where women and men have the same opportunities. A world where women do not have to face barriers in scientific careers and where they can reach their full potential.
Since peace is built in the minds of men and women, we cannot leave any minds behind in building science for peace.
Achieving gender equality in the water domain is crucial in view of the global commitments enshrined in the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development and in numerous other international gender- and water-related commitments. However, an extensive analysis carried out by the UNESCO World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) and its dedicated ‘Water and Gender Working Group’, formed by over 50 experts from UN Agencies, governmental water offices from Member States, universities and NGOs, has shown that progress towards the realization of these global promises is off track. Indeed, the analysis shows that gender inequalities in the water domain are severe and persist at all levels.
Organization for Women in Science for the Developing World (OWSD)
