President Biden walks along the U.S.-Mexico border fence in El Paso, Texas. Photo: Jim Watson/AFP via Getty Images
President Biden has found recent support from border Democrats for what they view as a new public strategy on immigration.
Zoom in: The administration deployed a White House address and a visit to El Paso, all while House Republicans readied for investigations into the administration's handling of the border.
Between the lines: Immigration has long been a political minefield — and the administration has struggled to politically address the record numbers of border crossings.
Democrats have tended to avoid the touchy subject beyond hammering Trump policies, such as family separation.
Meanwhile, Republicans have been more than happy to keep attention on immigration, most notably through efforts by some governors to bus migrants from border states to Democratic enclaves, driving national headlines.
What's happening: New policies that would offer new temporary, legal pathways but crack down on illegal border crossings and potentially make it harder for some migrants to access asylum have driven complaints from Democrats and advocates.
What they're saying: "Expanding pathways for legal immigration, increasing border security and reducing illegal immigration, have been principles core to President Biden’s approach on immigration since day one," a White House official told Axios.
The big picture: Biden embraced many of the priorities of progressive immigration advocates during the 2020 presidential election.
The bottom line: Some see a change but aren't convinced the new policies are enough.
