In the nine Spider-Man movies in the franchise (so far), we have been blessed with some of the most memorable quotes in superhero film history.
Spider-Man has been long-running movie franchise, beginning with Sam Raimi's Spider-Man in 2002 and lasting until the recently released MCU movie Spider-Man: No Way Home. And it's far from ending: there are already rumors of Spider-Man 4 releasing in 2024, which means it'll only be a matter of time before the film's cast, crew, and other details come to light. So far, we've had Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, and Tom Holland as our big-screen Spider-Men in live action.
With nine Spider-Man movies in total so far, we've been blessed with a multitude of stories, perspectives, characters, and moments that have shone in their respective franchise for various ways and have left their impact on audiences. The Spider-Man franchise is so beloved precisely because of its ability to touch movie-goers everywhere. One of the ways it does this is through its memorable and quotable lines. Indeed, these are the best quotes in any Spider-Man movie.
After Tony Stark's death in Avengers: Endgame, as his apprentice and someone who heavily relied on his guidance, Peter Parker was forced to deal with an immense loss at a young age. Spider-Man: Far From Home served as a tool to pull Peter through the grief and encourage him to make a name for himself outside Stark Industries. The “Everywhere I go, I see his face" quote was also included in the trailer to set the tone Far From Home was going to take. Its importance lies in the heavy burden Peter was left with: to live up to the public as they expected him to become the next Iron Man, while he only wanted to live a normal teenage life.
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Everyone's probably familiar with MJ's cynical thinking, and many probably even relate to her. The whole of Spider-Man: No Way Home carries itself in the vibe of: "If you expect disappointment, then you'll never get disappointed." It starts with Peter, MJ, and Ned's dreams of getting into MIT as a team, to live together, and to have a normal life. Their plans take a U-turn when they don't get accepted. On top of that, Peter accidentally messes up the Multiverse and has to deal with multidimensional villains. MJ was right to expect disappointment given how they don't even get a happy ending when everyone's memories of Peter get erased.
"Anyone can wear the mask. You can wear the mask. If you didn't know that before, I hope you do now. Cuz I'm Spider-Man." This is a quote that basically explains the whole premise of Into The Spider-Verse. Miles Morales becomes the new Spider-Man and joins other Spider-People from parallel universes to save the world from Kingpin. There are seven different Spideys in the storyline, each one of them very different from the other. Anyone can be Spider-Man, no matter your race, gender or sexual identity.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2, starring Andrew Garfield, heavily focuses on Peter's obsession to find out information about his parents while dealing with the grief of losing Uncle Ben. He realizes the responsibility to protect his girlfriend Gwen Stacy, as well as dealing with the supervillain Electro and his best friend Harry Osborne, who's after his neck. The pressure forces him to withdraw from Aunt May, who eventually confronts him. She knows the pain Peter must feeling in not knowing his parents' secrets, so she tells him: "Everyone has a part of themselves they hide. Even from the people they love." It does help for a little while.
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Now, onto one of the more light-hearted quotes on our list. When Peter in The Amazing Spider-Man realizes his potential to help the police to catch criminals after his Uncle Ben got killed, we can see his playfully quirky side come out. Peter enjoys helping the public (although the police doesn't appreciate his efforts at first). When he gets a firm hold on his powers, we see him making fun of the criminals, such as in the quote: “You've found my weakness! It's small knives.” It helps establish the slightly different characteristics that Garfield's Spider-Man possesses, and is accurate to the snarky character fans love in Marvel Comics.
Peter's desperation to become an official member of the Avengers takes a turn for the worse when he starts lying to Tony about his actions and whereabouts in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Peter wants to catch the new villain Vulture on his own to prove to Stark that he's worthy of attention. However, when his plans don't go as he hoped, Stark decides to take back the Spider-Man suit he designed for him. Peter begs him to not do it, claiming he's nothing without the suit. And well, who better to tell him, “If you’re nothing without the suit, then you shouldn’t have it," than Tony, who has had to go through something very similar. The suit shouldn't define who you are as a superhero.
We don't think it's a stretch to say that Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 2 excels at having honest and humane moments with inspirational dialogue. When Peter struggles with his identity as Spider-Man and often wants to quit, Aunt May pulls through and shows him the truth. The "I believe there’s a hero in all of us" speech that she gives to Peter turns out to be exactly what he needed all along. It also shows just how kind and forgiving May's character is in the movies.
As we all know, Peter goes off the rails in Spider-Man 3. The fame and power get into his head once the Venom symbiote possesses his body. He completely disregards Mary Jane even though he plans to propose her, he kisses other girls, and so much more. Mary Jane is rightfully so tired of his behavior and tries many times to have a heart-to-heart. She reaches the limits of her patience when Peter's self-centered behavior doesn't give her a chance to share that she's been fired from her job. And then, she hits him with a powerful quote “Everybody needs help sometimes, Peter. Even Spider-Man," before she leaves him.
Last but not least, the most powerful quote of them all, which has become signature of the Spider-Man movies: “With great power comes great responsibility.” Twice said by Uncle Ben in Raimi's and Garfield's Spider-Man movies, and once by Aunt May in Spider-Man: No Way Home. All three of them say it before their unfortunate deaths. Although it's a saying that's been mentioned in many different media, what makes it important for Spider-Man is that it serves as a turning point. It helps them realize that they simply can't just enjoy the power on its own; they are morally responsible to choose what good to do with it.
