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This Coalition letter was sent to Congressional Leadership announcing the formation of the Alliance for a New Immigration Consensus.
March 02, 2022

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Republican Leader McCarthy, Majority Leader Schumer, Republican Leader McConnell:
At no other point in recent history has the need for immigration reform been greater than it is today. Simply put, the system is broken. Millions of workers, many of whom were indispensable to America’s COVID-19 response, are living in legal jeopardy. Apprehensions at the southern border are at historic highs. Employers are also struggling to find workers to fill jobs in many industries.
Americans want commonsense reforms. They want the government to work and their tax dollars to have a return on investment. Given the current state of our politics, it may seem impossible to achieve bipartisan immigration policy solutions. Yet, we know that solutions are possible and, with your support, are attainable this year.
We have come together as faith and education leaders, the business community, and advocates from across the political spectrum to announce the Alliance for a New Immigration Consensus. This Alliance believes that Congress and the White House can come together on immigration reforms that address issues impacting communities across America, including the legal status of Dreamers, farm workers and other immigrants contributing to our communities, the security at our border, and the economic concerns regarding the availability and cost of the food on our tables.
This opportunity is confirmed in recent polling by The LIBRE Initiative which indicates that 93% of voters agree that immigration reforms are necessary and urgent. A strong majority of voters also want change to occur before the 2022 midterm elections and are willing to support specific policies to that end. More than 8 in 10 voters support solutions that strengthen border security; create a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers, who came to the United States as children; and ensure a legal, reliable workforce for America’s farmers and ranchers.
Accordingly, we call on Congress to address the growing concerns from the American public and enact solutions this year that address the following:
Modernizing our immigration system is a step toward alleviating many concerns that are weighing heavily on the minds of American citizens today. Americans are concerned about the ongoing economic recovery from COVID-19, persistent labor shortages and supply chain challenges, rising inflation, and border security. This Alliance is elevating those voices and ready to work with Congress on bipartisan solutions that can be passed today.
As job creators, communities of faith, and advocates who comprise the Alliance for a New Immigration Consensus, we call on you to act now.
American Hotel & Lodging Association
Americans for Prosperity
Asian American Christian Collaborative
Bethany Christian Services
Bipartisan Policy Center Action
Business Roundtable
Council on National Security and Immigration
Essential Worker Immigration Coalition
The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of
the Southern Baptist Convention
Evangelical Immigration Table
Gaby Pacheco
George W. Bush Institute
Idaho Dairymen’s Association
International Fresh Produce Association
National Association of Evangelicals
National Association of Manufacturers
National Immigration Forum
National Latino Evangelical Coalition
National Retail Federation
Niskanen Center
Presidents’ Alliance on Higher Education and
The Episcopal Church
The LIBRE Initiative
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Western Growers
World Relief
Migration and Refugee Services,
U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops
USCC Homepage
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